Big Book of Disney Songs for horn

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Informationen zu "Big Book of Disney Songs for horn"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00842618
EAN: 9781458411365
ISBN: 978-1-458-41136-5


72 Songs

Alice in Wonderland
The Ballad of Davy Crockett
The bare Necessities
Be our Guest
Beauty and The Beast
Bella Notte
Best of Friends
Breaking Free
Can You feel the Love Tonight
Candle on the Water
Chim Chim Cher-ee
Circle of Life
Colors of the Wind
Cruella de Vil
A Dream is a wish your Heart makes
Friend like Me
Go the Distance
God help the Outcasts
Hakuna Matata
He's a Tramp
How d'ye do and shake Hands
I just can't wait to be King
I'm late
If I kever knew You
It's a small World
Kiss the Girl
Lavender Blue
Let's get together
Let's go fly a Kite
Little April Shower
The Lord is good to Me
Mickey Mouse March
My Funny Friend and Me
Never Smile at a Crocodile
Once upon a Time
Part of your World
A Pirate's Life
Saludos Amigos
sCales and Arpeggios
The second Star to the right
The Siamese Cat Song
So this is Love
Someone's waiting for You
Sooner or later
A spoonful of Sugar
Sweet Surrender
These are the best Times
Toyland March
Trashin' the Camp
The Unbirthday Song
Under The Sea
We're all in this Together
Westward Ho the Wagons
A Whale of a Tale
When She loved Me
Where the Dream takes You
A whole new World
Winnie the Pooh
The Wonderful Thing about Tiggers
Wringle Wrangle
Written in the Stars
You Ho
You are the Music in Me
You can fly
You'll be in my Heart
You've got a Friend in me
Zero to Hero
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Big Book of Disney Songs for hornBig Book of Disney Songs for hornBig Book of Disney Songs for hornBig Book of Disney Songs for hornBig Book of Disney Songs for horn