Principal Horn Grades 6-8 (+CD) for horn and piano

26,50 €
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Informationen zu "Principal Horn Grades 6-8 (+CD) for horn and piano"

Verlag: ABRSM Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Verlagsnummer: 9781848494862
EAN: 9781848494862
ISBN: 978-1-8484-9486-2


13 Repertoire Pieces and Studies
Allegro appassionato (Frith)
My Lady fair (Bissill)
The old Lancashire Hornpipe (Jackson)
Loch Lomond (Jackson)
Scaramouche (Jackson)
Time passing (Frith)
On your Uppers (Bissill)
Sidestepped (Jackson)
Tarantella (Frith)
Jousting (Frith)
Olympic Spirit (Frith)
The Pearl (Frith)
By Jupiter (Brissill)
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