Melodious Etudes for Performance für 2 trombones and piano score and part

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Informationen zu "Melodious Etudes for Performance für 2 trombones and piano score and part"

Verlag: Carl Fischer Distribution
Verlagsnummer: WF1
EAN: 9780825845840
ISBN: 978-0-8258-4584-0


Raph, Alan, arr.
Trombonist and composer Alan Raph, has devised another collection that will
be a major enrichment of the repertoire of material available for recital use
by students of the trombone. In Melodious Etudes for Performance, Raph has
selected ten of the most melodic etudes Rochut included in his collections
(Melodious Etudes, Books 1, 2 & 3), which were based in turn on the
celebrated vocalises of master vocal pedagogue Marco Bordogni (1789-1856),
and added two not found in Rochut. He has also included six duets composed by
Bordogni that are very expressive and lyrical. This is a fine collection for
players and students seeking usable, enjoyable repertoire for trombone
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