Fun with the Trombone
von Bill Bay

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Informationen zu "Fun with the Trombone"

Komponist/Autor: Bill Bay
Verlag: Mel Bay Publications
Verlagsnummer: MB93275
EAN: 9780871664631
ISBN: 978-0-87166-463-1


Aura Lee
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Bill Bailey won't you please come home
Black is the color of my true Love's hair
Blow the man down
Blue bells of scotland
Camptown races
Cape code chanty
Cockles and mussels
Come back to Torino
Down by the riverside
Drink to me only with thine eyes
Drunken Sailor
The Entertainer
Erie Canal
Eyes of Texas
Frankie and Johnny
Gypsy Lament
Hail hail the gang's all here
Home on the range
I gave my Love a cherry
It takes a worried man
I've been working on the railroad
John Henry
Loch Lomond
Look down the lonley road
Londonderry air
Michael row the boat ashore
My Bonnie
Oh Susannah
OLd shoe boots and leggins
Red River Valley
Santa Lucia
She'll be comin round the mountain
Shortnin bread
Streets of Laredo
Swing low sweet chariot
This train
Tom Dooley
Wayfarin Stranger
When Johnny comes marchin home
When the Saints go marchin in
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