Gates for flute, cello, harpsichord and live electronics parts

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Informationen zu "Gates for flute, cello, harpsichord and live electronics parts"

Verlag: Edition Wilhelm Hansen
Verlagsnummer: WHKP00327
EAN: 9788759854273
ISBN: 978-87-598-5427-3


Gates is the second section from the ballet MAA, scored for Chamber group,
tape and live electronics. Written in 1991, commissioned by the Finnish
National Opera, this work beautifully demonstrates the poeticism of
Saariaho's music with a sensuous calm that permeates throughout.
MAA translates from Finnish into world, earth or country. It is a
complimentary title as the ballet does not have a plot as such, rather it is
built around thematic archetypes such as doors, gates, stepping into new
worlds, journeys and the crossing of waters.
Gates can be played either as an acoustic or, often preferably, an amplified
version. The acoustic version is suitable for small and resonant halls, or in
a context of e.g. an early music program, in which case the piece can also be
played on original instruments. This is the Full set of parts for one of
Kaija Saariaho's most major works to date.
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