Easy Clarinet Solos vol.1 (+CD) for clarinet and piano

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Informationen zu "Easy Clarinet Solos vol.1 (+CD) for clarinet and piano"

Verlag: MMO Music Group Inc.
Verlagsnummer: HL00400317
EAN: 9781596152380
ISBN: 978-1-596-15238-0


Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere
To A Wild Rose
Daisy Bell (A Bicycle Built For Two)
Sweet Rosie O'Grady
Pomp and Circumstance
Mighty Lak'A Rose
Kentucky Babe
The Band Played On
After The Ball
Santa Lucia
Red River Valley
Kathleen Mavourneen
America The Beautiful
Hatikvoh (the Hope)
American Patrol
Battle Hymn of the Republic
I'll Sing The Songs Of Araby
In Old Madrid
O Sole Mio
La Paloma
La Spagnola
La Cumparsita
Adios Muchachos
El Choclo
O Promise Me
The Rosary
Just A Wearyin' For You
I Love You Truly
The Holy City
Gypsy Love Song
Marche Slave
Ah So Pure
Eili, Eili
Who Is Sylvia?
Theme from Piano Concerto Op. 16
Song Of India
Theme from Piano Concerto No. 2 Op. 18
Fur Elise
Fantasie Impromptu Op. 66
Mexican Hat Dance
The Glow Worm
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