Messiah - Alt solo 2 Playalong-CD's coach me
von Georg Friedrich Händel

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Informationen zu "Messiah - Alt solo 2 Playalong-CD's coach me"

Komponist/Autor: Georg Friedrich Händel
Verlag: FMR Famiro Records Musikproduktion und V
Verlagsnummer: FMMS30.02
EAN: 4035799300228
ISMN: M-50101-199-5


But who may abide the Day of His
Behold a Virgin shall conceive
O Thou that tellest good Tidings to Zion
The shall the Eyes of the Blind
He shall feed His Flock
He was despised and rejected
Thou art gone up high
How beautiful are the Feet of Him
Then shall be brought to pass
O Death where is thy Sting
How beautiful are the Feet of them
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