Classic Melodies for Choirs vol.1 for female chorus and piano (organ) score

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Informationen zu "Classic Melodies for Choirs vol.1 for female chorus and piano (organ) score"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP1450151
EAN: 9781840034264
ISBN: 978-1-8400-3426-4
ISMN: M-57004-591-4


Rawsthorne, Noel, arr.
Fawcett, Nick, lyrics
Choral Settings of the World's best-loved Melodies
Can it be true (Morning from Peer Gynt, Grieg)
Christ be with me (Canon in D, Pachelbel)
Comfort Comfort (Adagio from Violin Concerto, Bruch)
Gladness Sadness Joy and Sorrow (To a wild Rose, MacDowell)
Go in Peace (Largo from New Wolrd Symphony, Dvorak)
Holy Spirit Gift divine (Chanson triste, Tschaikowsky)
In an upper Room (Prelude in c Minor, Chopin)
Living God I cry to You (Air from Suite no.3, Bach)
Lord I lift my Hands to You (Adagio from Pathetique Sonata, Beethoven)
Lord I would serve You (Adagietto from Symphony no.5, Mahler)
Proclaim the Story (Prelude from Te Deum, Charpentier)
Sing aloud the Day is breaking (Ode to Joy, Beethoven)
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