He's got the whole World für Kinderchor und Klavier Partitur

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Informationen zu "He's got the whole World für Kinderchor und Klavier Partitur"

Verlag: Helbling Verlag GmbH
Verlagsnummer: C8619
EAN: 9783990690062
ISBN: 978-3-99069-006-2
ISMN: M-50276-082-3


Arch, Gwyn, arr.
15 Spirituals und Gospels
All Night all Day
Down by the Riverside
Ezekiel saw the Wheel
Go tell it on the Mountains
Good News
He's got the whole World in his Hands
I got a Shoes
Little David play on your Harp
Oh Mary don't You weep
Rock-a my Soul
Sinner Man
This Train
When the Saints go marching in
Won't You sit down
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