All I Want for Christmas is You for femal (SSA) chorus and piano vocal score

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Informationen zu "All I Want for Christmas is You for femal (SSA) chorus and piano vocal score"

Verlag: Novello & Co
Verlagsnummer: NOV942194
EAN: 9781780388113
ISBN: 978-1-7803-8811-3


Afanasieff, Walter, co-author
O'Donovan, Matthew, arr.
All I Want For Christmas is the festive pop classic by Mariah Carey. With
estimated record sales of over ten million records worldwide, the song is now
considered a holiday standard.
Thisenergetic and fun arrangement for SSA chorus with piano accompaniment by
Matthew ODonovan is the ideal piece for choirs looking to add some colour and
verve to their repertoire this Christmas.
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