Oslo Gospel Choir - we lift our hands The complete songbook

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Informationen zu "Oslo Gospel Choir - we lift our hands The complete songbook"

Verlag: Norsk Musikkforlag AS
Verlagsnummer: NMO12122
EAN: 9790065111629
ISMN: M-065-11162-9


As, Tore W., arr.
Bless the Lord
We lift our Hands
Come now is the Time to worship
Here I am to worship
I surrender all
Open the Eyes of my Heart
Sweetest Name I know
Holy is the Lamb
Deaw me close
Holy Spirit I thirst for You
In your Arms
Power of your Love
Bless the Lord
Ancinet of Days
I give You my Heart
Shout to the Lord
God will make a Way
You are holy
Joy to my Soul
Never let me go
This is the Lord doing
Come let us sing
Glory to God almighty
Shine your Light
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