Oslo Gospel Choir This is the Day The complete songbook

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Informationen zu "Oslo Gospel Choir This is the Day The complete songbook"

Verlag: Norsk Musikkforlag AS
Verlagsnummer: NMO12357
EAN: 9790065114330
ISMN: M-065-11433-0


Live in Montreux
This is the Day
Got me some Angels
Bridge over troubled Water
Eternal Sunshine
God so loved the World
Born again
Comin' back
That's why I sing
In this House
On the Cross of Calvary
My Tribute
Joy to the World
Mitt hjerte alltid vanker
A Star is shining tonight
Oh happy Day
His Name will shine
Never gonna lose my Way
Sweet Jesus
We are not ashamed
Get together
Your Love
Reaching Heaven with our Song
Glory to God almighty
This is the Lord's Doing
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