Open up wide (+CD) für gem Chor und Klavier Partitur

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Informationen zu "Open up wide (+CD) für gem Chor und Klavier Partitur"

Verlag: Tonos Music GmbH
Verlagsnummer: TS4173SET
EAN: 9990000880713


58 Songs
Wuelfing, Hans, ed


All night all day

Amazing grace


Burden down
Down by the riverside
Ev'rybody got to die
Freedom is coming
Give thanks
Glorify jesus
Go tell it on the mountain
Goin' to set down an' rest awhile
Good news
Hallelujah jesus lives today
He is king of kings
Heaven is a wonderful place
I wanna be closer
If we ever needed the lord before

Jesus be a fence

Jesus is my salvation

Jesus christ is the same

Joshua fit de battle

Keep me from sinking down

Lead me guide me

Let us break bread together
Man goin' roun'
Nobody knows
O freedom
O happy day
Oh freedom
Oh when the saints
Oh mary
Open up wide
Plenty good room
Praising song
Put your hand
Rakanaka vangeri

Rise up shepherd an' foller

Rock-a my soul

Roll the stone



Sometimes i feel like a motherless child

Study war no more
Swing low
The virgin mary had a baby boy
This little light of mine
This ol' hammer
We are marching
We shall overcome
Were you there
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