Informationen zu "Chants and Songs für gem Chor und C- und B-Instrumente Chorpartitur"
Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP1450121
EAN: 9781840033281
ISBN: 978-1-8400-3328-1
ISMN: M-57004-535-8
A really user-friendly version of Margaret Rizza's chants and songs taken
from Fountain of Life and Fire of Love . Unison voices, straight¡forward
keyboard parts and just one part each for C and Bb instruments. All in
easy-to-sing keys.
The accompanying recording pre¡sents all of the pieces in use.
Adoramus te, Domine
Calm me, Lord
Exaudi nos, Domine
In the Lord is my joy
Lovely in your littleness
May the Lord bless you
O Lord, my heart is not proud
Sanctum nomen
Send forth your Spirit, Lord
Silent, surrendered
Take my hands, Lord
The Lord is my light
Veni, lumen cordium
You are the centre
You are the light