An American Christmas for mixed chorus and piano score

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Informationen zu "An American Christmas for mixed chorus and piano score"

Verlag: Oxford University Press Distribution Services
Verlagsnummer: 9780193379787
EAN: 9780193379787
ISBN: 978-0-19-337978-7


Rubino, Jerry, ed
16 Carols and Carol Arrangements from North America
A simple Gloria
Away in a Manger
Children go where I send Thee
D'où viens-tu bergère?
Go, tell it on the Mountain
Hark! the herald Angels sing
Huron Carol
I saw three Ships
Joy to the World
Lullee, lullai, lullo, lullabye
O Holy Night!
Oh what a wonderful Child
On Christmas Night (Sussex Carol)
Shepherds rejoice
Silent Night
The Blasts of chill December
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