15 more Hymn Anthems for mixed chorus (SATB) and piano score

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Informationen zu "15 more Hymn Anthems for mixed chorus (SATB) and piano score"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP1450235
EAN: 9781840038187
ISBN: 978-1-8400-3818-7
ISMN: M-57004-954-7


Around the throne of God
Christ is made the sure foundation
In full and glad surrender
Jesu, lover of my soul
Low in the grave he lay
My God, and is thy table spread
O praise ye the Lord!
O worship the King
Shall we gather at the river?
Take my life, and let it be
The Church's one foundation
The King of love my shepherd is
To God be the glory!
What a friend we have in Jesus
When I survey the wondrous cross
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