Songs of Yale for male voices a cappella or with piano Bartholomew, M., ed.

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Informationen zu "Songs of Yale for male voices a cappella or with piano Bartholomew, M., ed."

Verlag: G. Schirmer Inc
Verlagsnummer: HL50327140
EAN: 9780830054558
ISBN: 978-0-8300-5455-8


ach the moon climbs high
aj lucka lucka siroka
and when the leaves
Antoinette Birby
as off to the south'ard we go
a song for old Yale
Aura Lee
away to Rio
the battle of Jericho
the battle of the books
Bermuda buggy ride
bingo that's the lingo
bright college years (2X)
careless love
come rally tonight
the crew song
daddy is a Yale man
de animals a-comin'
the deitch company
down over the hill
down the field
drink to me only with thine eyes
eight bells
Eleazar Wheelock
Eli Yale
the Elizabethan club
Erie canal
fair Harvard
the first on my charm
George Jones
glory for Yale
good night poor Harvard
graceful and easy
high barbary
i got shoes
i'm the wife of the life of the party
integer vitae
it's hard to kill a fox
jolly life
keep in the middle of the road
landlord fill the flowing bowl
little dog
little innocent lamb
little knot of blue
lord Jeffery Amersherst
lux et veritas
matin bell
the mermaid
moanin' Lady
mobile bay
mother of men
my comrades when i'm no more drinking
my Evaline
my sweet
neath the Elms
Noah Webster
not yet but soon
ol' ark's a-moverin
old man Noah
old Nassau
old Tom Wilson
the old whiff song
the pope
ready when he comes
roll Jordan roll
shall i wasting in despair
shut that door
sing a song for Yale
sister Mary wore three lenghts of chain
slow motion time
sons of Eli
star-spangled banner
steal away
Switzer boy
true-blue Elihu
wake freshmen wake
we meet again tonight
we're saving ourselves for Yale
we were gathering up the roses
when pa was a little boy like me
where the elm-tree grows
whiffenpoof song
white shoe blues
whoop it up
why so pale and wan
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