Barber Shop Songs for 4 voices (chorus) and guitar score

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Informationen zu "Barber Shop Songs for 4 voices (chorus) and guitar score"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM90219
EAN: 9780825620676
ISBN: 978-0-8256-2067-6


All through the night


Always take mother's advice

America (My country 'tis)

Annie Laurie

Ave Maria

The band played on
Barbara Allen
Battle cry of freedom
Battle hymn of the republic
Beautiful dreamer
The bell doth toll
Ben bolt (sweet alice)
Billy boy
Blow the man down
The bowery
Canadia boatsong
Captain jinks
Come home, father

Comin' thru the rye

Cradle song (wiegenlied)

Daisies won't tell

Daisy bell (bicycle built for two)

Death is a long, long sleep

Deep river

Down went McGinty
Drink to me only with thine eyes
First noel
For he's a jolly good fellow
Go down Moses
Halleluja, I'm a bum
Hark the herald angels sing
Home on the range
I don't want to play in your yard
I had a dream, dear
I've a longing in my heart for you Louise
I've been working on the railraod
Jeannie with the light brown hair

La cucaracha

Little annie rooney

Little brown jug

Londonderry air (would god i were the tender

Long long ago

Lovely evening

Lullaby (wiegenlied)
The maple leaf forever
The minstrel boy
Mistress shady
My sweetheart's the man in the moon
Nellie was a lady
Nobody knows the trouble i've seen
O canada
O come all ye faithful
Oh freedom
Oh Susanna
Old black joe
Old MacDonald had a farm
O little town of Bethlehem

Pal of my dreams

Poor wayfarin' stranger

Red river valley

Row row row your boat

Sally on our alley

Scotland's burning

Seeing nellie home
She may have seen better days
She's more to be pitied than censured
Silent night, holy night
Smiles all the while
Star spangled banner
Sweet and low
Sweet marie
Swing low, sweet chariot
Then you'll remember me
There is a tavern in the town
Three blind mice
Viennese refrain

When the corn is waving, annie dear

While strolling thru the park one day

Whoopee ti yi yo, git along little dogies

Barber shop songs
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