Lieder der Völker Band 21 - Gospels & Spirituals für 4 Blockflöten (SATB) Spielpartitur
von Willibald Lutz

14,00 ¤
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Informationen zu "Lieder der Völker Band 21 - Gospels & Spirituals für 4 Blockflöten (SATB) Spielpartitur"

Komponist/Autor: Willibald Lutz
Verlag: Waldkauz Verlag
Verlagsnummer: WK9118
EAN: 9990051796728


Gospels & Spirituals I
Carry me back
Chilly Water
Come an' go
Cotton needs a picking
Deep River
De Angel roll de Stone away
Down by the Riverside
Didn't my Lord
Every Time I fee the Spirit
Gimme that old Time Religion
Go tell it on the Mountains
Good News
Great Day
Hallelu' Hallelu'
He's got the whole World
If you want Joy
I's me oh Lord
Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho
Ku ba yah
Lawd I is a comin'
Let us break
Lord I want to be
Michael row the Boat ahore
My Lord what a mourning
Oh Freedom
Oh happy Day
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