Informationen zu "Ceinciau cymru Melodies of Wales for descant recorder solo"
Verlag: Schott & Co Ltd. London
Verlagsnummer: ED10617
EAN: 9790220103384
ISMN: M-2201-0338-4
Hunter, Hilda, ed
Ar gyfer heddiw'r bore (Christmas Carol)
Bachgen Bach o Dincer (Little Tinker Boy)
Beth wneir a merch benchwiban (What shall we do with a flighty Maiden
Ble'r ei di (Where are you going
Bugeilio'r Gwenith gwyn (Watching the Ripe Wheat)
Can serch (Love Song)
Y cobler du Bach (The little black Cobbler)
Codiad yr ehedydd (The rising of the Lark)
Cysga di fy mhlentyn tlws - sleep my pretty one
Dacw'nghariad i - (There is my Love)
Y ddau farch (The 2 Horses)
Gee geffyl bach (Gee little Pony)
Ffarwel y milwr (The Soldier's Farewell)
Os daw fy nghariad (If my beloved should come)
Os gwelch chi'n dda ga'i grempog (Please may I have some Pancakes)
Y pumed dydd ar hugain (The twenty-fifth Day)
Robin Ddio (Lazy Robin)
Wele Gwawriodd i'w gofio -
Behold a memorable Days has dawned
Walisische Lieder