Recorder Music through the Centuries für Sopranblockflöte (1-4stg, teilweise mit Altblockflöte)

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Informationen zu "Recorder Music through the Centuries für Sopranblockflöte (1-4stg, teilweise mit Altblockflöte)"

Verlag: Mel Bay Publications
Verlagsnummer: MB30677
EAN: 9781513460031
ISBN: 978-1-513-46003-1


Zeidler, Franz, ed
Medieval and Renaissance Music
Recorder Music through the Centuries is a compilation of three previously
published volumes of recorder music by Franz Zeidler: Recorder Book of
Medieval and Renaissance Music, Baroque Recorder Music and Classic Period
Recorder Music. This book contains 11 recorder solos from the Medieval
period, 7 from the Renaissance, 14 from the Baroque period, 10 from the
Classical period, and 11 themes from well-known symphonies...53 solos!
Gregorian Chant Laus Dei Patri
Gregorian Chant Victimae Paschali
Troubadour Song Or la truix
Minnelied Willekommen Mayenschein
The Organum
Parallel Organum Rex Caeli Domine
The free Organum Agnus Dei
The melismatic Organum Benedicamus Domine
Notre Dame School Organum Alleluya (Nativitas)
The Renaissance Country Jig
Cavalier Dance
Elbow Dance
Dutch Windmill
Little Country Dance
and more pieces from Classical Period and Themes of Classical Symphonies!
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