The best Clarinet Duet Book ever score

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Informationen zu "The best Clarinet Duet Book ever score"

Verlag: J. & W. Chester
Verlagsnummer: CH61693
EAN: 9780711979628
ISBN: 978-0-7119-7962-8


Coulthard, Emma, ed.
Twinkle twinkle little Star


Zum gali gali

The lonely Goatherd

Swing low sweet Chariot

Scarborough Fair
Minuet (Hook)
Chim chim-cher-ee
That sounds so beautiful
The New World Symphony (Theme)
Happy Birthday
Menuetto and Trio (Stamitz)
Simple Gifts
Somewhere out there
Ev'rybody wants to be a Cat from Aristocats
Round Dance
2 little Pieces (Kabalevsky)

Evening Prayer from

Hänsel und Gretel

The last Rose of Summer

Rondo (Devienne)

Waltz (Giuliani)

My favourite Things from The Sound of Music

Hornpipe from Water music
Mamma Mia
Spring (Buckley)
Lento (Stravinsky)
Allegro (Stravinsky)
Andante cantabile from string quartet no.1 op.11 (Tschaikowsky)
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