Trois Chansons for flute quartet score and parts
von Maurice Ravel

16,90 €
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Informationen zu "Trois Chansons for flute quartet score and parts"

Komponist/Autor: Maurice Ravel
Verlag: Wonderful Winds
Verlagsnummer: R008
EAN: 9790570743438
ISMN: M-57074-343-8


Wonderful Winds/Clarinet Collection
Cooper, A., arr.
1. Nicolette
2. Trois beaux oiseaux du Paradis
3. Ronde
Ravel wrote these three charming songs for unaccompanied chorus while waiting
to be enlisted into the army during World War 1. The lyrics are Ravel's own,
and offer plenty of scope for colourful composing. The first song tells of
Nicolette picking flowers, and being pursued by a growling old wolf, a
gentle page and lastly a grey-haired old lord, 'Ugly, wry, vile and
corpulent' into whose arms she runs! The second more plaintive song describes
three birds of paradise, interspersed with the line 'my belov'd is to the
fighting gone and featured a wordless chorus accompanying the song. In the
final lively song, the old women and old men warn the younger generation not
to go into the woods, lest they meet a cast of unsavoury characters,
including goblins, werewolves, flying devils and goat footed folk! These
vibrant songs translate beautifully for wind, with lots of fun and interest
for all players.
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