Method for Oboe vol.2 for oboe
von Marc Schaeferdiek

36,00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Informationen zu "Method for Oboe vol.2 for oboe"

Komponist/Autor: Marc Schaeferdiek
Verlag: Accolade Musikverlag und Notenversand Bodo Königsbeck
Verlagsnummer: ACC1819
EAN: 9790501359332
ISMN: M-50135-933-2


- Step by step introduction from basics
- Covers a range from B-flat to F3
- Tips for good posture, breathing, trills, practice methodology
- Exercises for fingers, vibrations, technique, breath control, listening,
rhythm, staccato, ornamentation, double tonguing
Lively pieces, from Baroque and Classical to Christmas carols, spirituals and
folk songs, swing and modern playing techniques
More Duets offer many opportunities to make music together
Further publications to explore
Suitable for group lessons
Numerous illustrations
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