Informationen zu "What else can I play Grade 2 for alto saxophone and piano"
Verlag: Warner Brothers
Verlagsnummer: 1859094074
EAN: 9781859094075
ISBN: 978-1-85909-407-5
As long as he needs me
The Boar's Head Carol
Don't sit under the Apple Tree (with anyone else
Meet the Flintstones
The Flintstones
I'll be home for Christmas
In the Shade of the old Apple Tree
Joy to the World
La donna e mobile (Rigoletto)
On the Street where you live
Scarborough Fair
Ship ahoy (all the nice girls love a sailor)
Snow Flakes
The Wearin' o' the Green
What shall we do with the drunken Sailor?
You'll never walk alone
What else can I play?