Tons of Tunes from the Classics (+CD) for alto saxophone
von Mike Hannickel

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Informationen zu "Tons of Tunes from the Classics (+CD) for alto saxophone"

Komponist/Autor: Mike Hannickel
Verlag: Curnow Press, Inc.
Verlagsnummer: CMP1166-07-400
EAN: 9789043125796
ISBN: 978-90-431-2579-6


Humming song (Schumann)
Musette (Bach)
See the conquering hero comes (Händel)
Fanfare (Corrette)
Pathetique theme (Beethoven)
Rondo alla turca (Mozart)
Spring (Vivaldi)
Scherzo (Clementi)
Willhelm Tell (Rossini)
Lullaby (Brahms)
Funeral March (Chopin)
Trumpet voluntary (Clarke)
Largo from New world (Dvorak)

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