Traditional Irish Tin Whistle Tutor (+CD) a complete Method for the Irish Tin Whistle with an appendix of 100 choice Irish airs and dance tunes
von Geraldine Cotter

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Informationen zu "Traditional Irish Tin Whistle Tutor (+CD) a complete Method for the Irish Tin Whistle with an appendix of 100 choice Irish airs and dance tunes"

Komponist/Autor: Geraldine Cotter
Verlag: Ossian Publications
Verlagsnummer: OMB297
EAN: 9781846098079
ISBN: 978-1-8460-9807-9


The returned Yank
Banish misfortune
Tom Friels
Harry's Loch
Donnybrook Fair
Gillian's apples
The hairpin bend
Dan the cobbler
The butnt old man
Down the back lane
The Mug of Brown Ale
Molloy's favorite
The Monaghan Jig
Do you want any more?
The idle road
The shores of Lough Gowna
Ryan's favorite
Langstrom's pony
The boys of the town
Austin Barret's
The old grey goose
Paddy Canney's No. 1
Paddy Canney's No. 2
Hunting the hare
Open the door
I have a wife of my own
The humours of Kilkenny
Dever the dancer
Drops of spring water
An phils fliuch
Will you come down to Limerick
The sunny banks
The drunken landlady
London lasses
Tommy Mc Mahon's
Down the broom
Miss Monoghan
Lucky in love
In the tap room
The peerler' jacket
The flowers of Limerick
The Burren No. 1
The golden keyboard
The Galway rambler
The Kerry Reel
King of the Clans
The shepherd's daughter
Shuffle the cards
The old bush
Ah, surely
The green meadow
Lucy Campbell
The Bank of Ireland
The jolly banger
Controversial Reel
Kilfenora No. 1
Kilfenora No. 2
Bell Harbour
Blackberry Blossom
Rover through the bog
The Kingstown
Sonny Murray's
The Clareman's
The Wren's
Gin ainm
Gin ainm
The Plains of Boyle
Chief O'Neill's
The fairies' Hornpipe
The stack of wheat
Off to California
Willy Washe's Hornpipe
The Orange rogue
The blackbird
Bonaparte's retreat
The job of daises
The ace and deuce
The drunken gauger
The rambling rake
An suiscin ban
The lodge road
Anach cuain
Bruach na Carraige Baine
Cath chein mhic cainte
Urchnoc chein mhic cainte
An Goirtin eorna
An Mhaighdean mhara
Coinleach glas an fhomhair
An Buachaill coal bubh
Fath mo bhuartha
Cailin na Gruaige Doinne
Amhran a leabhair
The Cumman na mBan are dead and gtone
She hasn't the knack
Johnny Micky's
O'Carolan's draught
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