Informationen zu "Compatible Christmas Duets for wind instruments clarinet / trumpet / baritone T.C. / tenor saxophone score"
Verlag: Carl Fischer Distribution
Verlagsnummer: WF149
EAN: 9780825893582
ISBN: 978-0-8258-9358-2
Gazda, Doris, arr.
Clark, Larry, arr.
50 Duets that can be played by any Combination of Wind Instruments
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Angels We Have Heard On High
As Lately We Watched
Auld Lang Syne
Away in a Manger
Bring a Torch Jeannette, Isabella
Bright And Joyful Is The Morn
Carol of the Bells
Christmas Greeting
Come, All Ye Shepherds
Coventry Carol
Deck the Halls
El Rorro (The Baby)
The First Noel
Gesu Bambino (Infant Jesus)
Go Tell It On the Mountain
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
Good Christian Men, Rejoice
Good King Wenceslas
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
He Is Born, This Holy Child
Here We Come A-Wassailing
The Holly and the Ivy
I Saw Three Ships
In a Manger He Is Lying
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
Jingle Bells
Jolly Old StNicholas
Joy To The World
Lullaby Carol
March From The Nutcracker Suite
March of the Toys
O Christmas Tree
O Come, All Ye Faithful
O Come Little Children
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
O Holy Night
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Rise Up Shepherd, and Follow
The Search for an Inn (Pedida de la Posada)
Silent Night
Up on the Housetop
We Three Kings
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
What Child Is This?
While Shepherds Watch Their Flock by Night