Compatible Duets for Winds vol.2 for clarinet, trumpet, baritone T.C., tenor saxophone

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Informationen zu "Compatible Duets for Winds vol.2 for clarinet, trumpet, baritone T.C., tenor saxophone"

Verlag: Carl Fischer Distribution
Verlagsnummer: WF215
EAN: 9781491149157
ISBN: 978-1-491-14915-7


Clark, Larry, arr.
29 Duets That Can Be Played by Any Combination of Wind Instruments
Continuing with the success of the popular Compatible series, Compatible
Duets for Winds Volume 2 contains 29 duets in a variety of styles that can be
played with any combination of two wind instruments. Students can develop
their chamber-ensemble skills while playing with their friends, no matter
what wind instruments they play. Ranging from grade levels 2-3, Compatible
Duets for Winds Volume 2 is perfect for band directors looking for new tools
for the classroom, and its flexibility makes it a must-have for any wind
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