Accents and Rebounds for the snare drummer revised edition
von George Lawrence Stone

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Informationen zu "Accents and Rebounds for the snare drummer revised edition"

Komponist/Autor: George Lawrence Stone
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF32750X
EAN: 9780984329311
ISBN: 978-0-9843293-1-1


George Lawrence Stone's Accents and Rebounds, the follow-up to the classic
Stick Control, builds on the basics with accent routines and more advanced
rhythms to improve the player's finesse and control. This book includes
sections on accented eighths, dotted notes, and triplets, as well as rebound
control and more. If you are a fan of Stick Control, then this method
supplies the perfect next step for your practice routine. This updated
edition adds Joe Morello's legendary arrow notation to help students
incorporate the motions of the Moeller technique.
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