Groove Essentials 2.0 The Play-Along (+CD) für Drumset

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Informationen zu "Groove Essentials 2.0 The Play-Along (+CD) für Drumset"

Verlag: Hudson Music Europe
Verlagsnummer: HL06620125
EAN: 9781423464457
ISBN: 978-1-423-46445-7


Firth, Vic, ed
The Groove Encyclopedia For The Advanced 21st-Century Drummer
This book/CD pack features 53 all-new grooves including odd-meters, over 80
new play-along tracks (minus drums) with charts and bonus material, and more
than 100 groove variations! The companion to the Groove Essentials 2.0 DVD
(HL00320806), the CD in this pack is playable on all MP3-capable CD/DVD
players and computers, and is compatible with iTunes and iPod.

Rock Grooves
Funk Grooves
R & B And Hip-Hop Grooves
Jazz Grooves
World And Specialty Grooves
Odd-Meter Grooves
Global Tours
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