Stick Control for the snare drummer
von George Lawrence Stone

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Informationen zu "Stick Control for the snare drummer"

Komponist/Autor: George Lawrence Stone
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF32749
EAN: 9781892764041
ISBN: 978-1-89276-404-1



George Lawrence Stone's Stick Control is the original classic, often called
the bible of drumming. In 1993, Modern Drummer magazine named it first in the
top 25 drumming books of all-time. In the words of the author, this is the
ideal book for improving 'control, speed, flexibility, touch, rhythm,
lightness, delicacy, power, endurance, preciseness of execution, and muscular
coordination,' with extra attention given to the development of the weak
hand. This indispensable book for drummers of all types includes hundreds of
basic to advanced rhythms and moves through categories of single-beat
combinations, triplets, short roll combinations, flam beats, flam triplets
and dotted notes, and short roll progressions. 'It truly is a timeless
classic and an essential requirement for every drummer's library.' Drummer
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