Ancestral Rites of a forgotten Cluture for mezzosoprano and 6 percussionists study score
von Alejandro Iglesias Rossi

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Informationen zu "Ancestral Rites of a forgotten Cluture for mezzosoprano and 6 percussionists study score"

Komponist/Autor: Alejandro Iglesias Rossi
Verlag: Mannheimer Musik-Verlag GmbH
Verlagsnummer: MMV5290
EAN: 9790200652901
ISMN: M-2006-5290-1


Prayer at Dawn
Ritual Invocation (and immemorial Echo)
Storm Dance
Echo of the Echo
Seedtime Jailli
Remembrance (of the Storm Dance)
Triumph Rite
Final Prayer (and dying Echo)
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