The 100 best short Songs vol.3 for low (medium-low) voice and piano (en)

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Informationen zu "The 100 best short Songs vol.3 for low (medium-low) voice and piano (en)"

Verlag: Paterson's Publications Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: PAT00603
EAN: 9780853606314
ISBN: 978-0-85360-631-4


Gerhardt, Elena, ed
Henschel, George, ed
Harford, Francis, ed
Blow blow Thou Winter Wind (Arne)
A May Night (Brahms)
Constancy (Brahms)
In Summer Fields (Brahms)
My Beloved is mine (Brahms)
Sunday (Brahms)
The Blacksmith (Brahms)
Good Night (Franz)
Out of my dark Despairing (Franz)
The Sea hath Pearls (Franz)
Come once again (Giordani)
To Anthea (Hatton)
Celia the Fair (Monro)
Cradle Song (Mozart)
I'll sail upon the Dogstar (Purcell)
Cradle Song (Schubert)
Night and Dreams (Schubert)
The Town (Schubert)
To Music (Schubert)
Wandering (Schubert)
A Night in Spring (Schumann)
I chide thee not (Schumann)
So like a Flower (Schumann)
Non but the Desolate (Tschaikowsky)
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