Singing Time vol.2 for voice and piano

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Informationen zu "Singing Time vol.2 for voice and piano"

Verlag: Bosworth & Co.
Verlagsnummer: BOE005029
EAN: 9780711991217
ISBN: 978-0-7119-9121-7
ISMN: M-2016-4084-6


Step by Step Instruction for Singing Exams
Turnbull, David, Ed
Ah, poor Bird
Amazing Grace
Auld Lang Syne
Blow away the Morning Dew
Blow the Man down
Brave old Duke of York, The
British Grenadiers, The
Butterfly (Schumann)
Cockles and Mussels
Come, follow me (John Hilton)
Coventry Carol (Martin shaw)
Early one Morning
Go down, moses
He's got the hole World
I ain't gonna grieve my Lord no more
I got a shoe
I'll bid my heart be still (T. Pringle)
Little spanish town, The
London Birds (Shaw)
Morning has broken (E. Farjeon)
My Bonnie lies over the Ocean
Oak and the Ash, The
St. Pauls Steeple
Scarborough Fair
Sing together
Talli's Cannon (Bishop Ken)
Water is wide, The
When the Saints go marching in
White Sand and grey Sand
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