Popular Edition of Selected Works Vol.12 15 Songs and Airs for Baritone (Contralto) and Piano
von Henry Purcell

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Informationen zu "Popular Edition of Selected Works Vol.12 15 Songs and Airs for Baritone (Contralto) and Piano"

Komponist/Autor: Henry Purcell
Verlag: Novello & Co
Verlagsnummer: NOV170266
EAN: 9780853608189
ISBN: 978-0-85360-818-9


Come all ye songsters of the sky
Secresy' sSong : One Charming night gives more delight
What shall I do to show how much I love her
Since from my dear Astraea's sight
Aeolu's Song : Your awful voice I heard
Love quickly is pall'd
I see she flies me ev' rywhere
A Roundelay: Man is dor the wowan made
Music for a while
Take not a woman's anger it
Hail to the myrtle shade
Tis nature's voice
Sound the trumpet
Welcome, more welcome does he come
Here let my life
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