A Century of english Song Vol.1 10 Songs for Soprano and Piano

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Informationen zu "A Century of english Song Vol.1 10 Songs for Soprano and Piano"

Verlag: Thames Publishing
Verlagsnummer: TH978421
EAN: 9781846093449
ISBN: 978-1-8460-9344-9


From a City Window / Langdon Elwyn Mitchell (Hubert Parry)
Adrift / L Cranmer-Byng (Grandville Bantock)
The New Ghost / Fredegond Shove (Ralph Vaugan Williams)
How should I your true love know / Shakespeare (Roger Quilter)
The Cherry-Blossom Wand / Anna Wickham (Rebecca Clarke)
A Song of Shadows / Walter de la Mare ( Cecil Armstrong Gibbs)
Gavotte / Sir Hanry Newbolt (Herbert Howells)
Wind's Work / T Sturge Moore (Arthur Benjamin)
Out in the Dark / Edward Thomas (Edmund Rubbra)
A Melancholy Song / Anon (Anthony Hopkins)
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