Theatre Songs for Singers songbook for mezzo-soprano/belter and piano

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Informationen zu "Theatre Songs for Singers songbook for mezzo-soprano/belter and piano"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HLE90000847
EAN: 9780711982567
ISBN: 978-0-7119-8256-7


Beauty and the Beast :

A Change in me

Cabaret :


Maybe this Time

Mein Herr

So what?
Chess :
Someone else's Story
Cinderalla :
Stepsisters' Lament
Company :
Another hundred People
The ladies who lunch
Evita :
Don't cry for me Argentina
I'd be surprisingly good for you
Follies :
Broadway Baby
Could I leave you?

In Buddy's Eyeys

Losing my Mind

Gentlemen prefer Blondes :

Diamonds are a Girl's best Friend

Guys and Dolls :

Adelaide's Lament

Is there Life after High School?
Nothing really happened
Jekyll & Hyde :
A new Life
Someone like you
Les Miserables :
I dreamed a Dream
On my own
Miss Saigon :
I'd give my Life for you
Nine :
My Husband makes Movies
Oklahoma :
I cain't say no

Parade :

You don't know this Man

Song and Dance :

Let me finish

Tell me on a Sunday

Third letter home

Songs for a new World :
Stars and the Moon
South Pacific :
A cocheyed Optimist
Sunset Boulevard :
As if we never said goodbye
With one Look
Working :
Just a Housewife
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