Selections from Moore's Irish Melodies for voice and piano
von Tom Moore

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Informationen zu "Selections from Moore's Irish Melodies for voice and piano"

Komponist/Autor: Tom Moore
Verlag: Ossian Publications
Verlagsnummer: OMB6
EAN: 9780946005383
ISBN: 978-0-946005-38-3


Erin the Tear and the Smile
The last Rose of Summer
The Harp that once through Tara's Halls
Oft in the stilly Night
Believe me if all those Endearing young Charms
Has Sorrow thy young Days shaded
The Meeting of the Waters
Avenging and bright
Let Erin remember the Days of Old
The Minstrel Boy
Fly not yet
Oh blame not the Bard
Farewell but whenever You welcome the Hour
The Young may moon
My gentle Harp
Silent oh Moyle
How dear to me the Hour
She is far from the Land
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