Art Songs and Arias für mittlere/tiefe Stimme und Klavier
von Leonard Bernstein

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Informationen zu "Art Songs and Arias für mittlere/tiefe Stimme und Klavier"

Komponist/Autor: Leonard Bernstein
Verlag: Boosey & Hawkes Publishers Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: BHI93392
EAN: 9781423428602
ISBN: 978-1-423-42860-2
ISMN: M-051-93392-1


Little Smary (Arias and Barcarolles)
Greeting (Arias and Barcarolles)
Plum Pudding (La Bonne Cuisine)
Queues de Boeuf (Ox-Tails) (La Bonne Cuisine)
Tavouk Gueunksis (La Bonne Cuisine)
Civet à toute Vitesse (Rabbit at Top Speed) (La Bonne Cuisine)
My Name is Barbara (I hate Music)
Jupiter has seven Moons (I hate Music)
I Hate Music
A big Indian and a little Indian (I hate Music)
I'm a Person too (I hate Music)
My twelve-tone Melody
Piccola Serenata
Silhouette (Galilee)
The pennycandystore (Songfest)
To whatyou said (Songfest)
Music I heard with you (Songfest)
Zizi's Lament (Songfest)
Extinguish my Eyes
When my Soul touches yours
A simlpe Song (Mass)
Thank you (Mass)
The World of the Lord (Mass)
Hurry (Mass)
World without End (Mass)
Our Father ... I go on (Mass)
You're late (A quiet Place) (Sam's Aria)
Hey, Big Daddy (Junior's Aria) (A quiet Place)
Lementation (from Symphony No. 1 Jeremiah)
What a movie (Trouble in Tahiti)
There is a garden (Trouble in Tahiti)
There's a law (Trouble in Tahiti)
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