Pathways of Song vol.3 (+CD) for high voice and piano (en/orig)

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Informationen zu "Pathways of Song vol.3 (+CD) for high voice and piano (en/orig)"

Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF38061
EAN: 9780739088456
ISBN: 978-0-7390-8845-6


LaForge, Frank, ed
Earhart, Will, ed
Have You seen but a white Lillie grow
When Love is kind
Come sweet Death (Bach)
The Kiss (Beethoven)
Love has Eyes (Bishop)
Amarilli (Caccini)
There's Weeping in my Heart (Debussy)
Dance Maiden dance (Durante)
Kitty of Coleraine
I don't wish to marry
Hark how still (Franz)
The Rose complains (Franz)
Wilt Thou Thy Heart surrender (Giovanni)
Beloved Strand (Gluck)
With a Water Lily (Grieg)
The first Meeting (Grieg)
Oh Sleep why dust Thou leave me (Händel)
Air (Händel)
Love is a Bauble (Leveridge)
To be near Thee (Rosa)
The Sun o'er the Ganges (Scarlatti)
Cradle Song (Schubert)
Thou knowest well (Torelli)
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