Oxford Solo Songs Sacred (+Online Audio) for low voice and piano (organ)

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Informationen zu "Oxford Solo Songs Sacred (+Online Audio) for low voice and piano (organ)"

Verlag: Oxford University Press Distribution Ser
Verlagsnummer: 9780193365803
EAN: 9780193365803
ISBN: 978-0-19-336580-3


A Clare Benediction (Rutter)
A gaelic Blessing Rutter)
Be thou my Vision (Chillcott)
By the Grace of the Spirit (Gant)
Give to my Eyes, Lord (Corp)
How can I keep from singing?
Irish Blessing (Chilcott)
Lord of all Hopefulness
Lord, make me an instrument (Willcocks)
O God of Mercy (Lole)
O Light of Life! (Wilberg)
Pie Jesu (Rutter)
The Lord bless you and keep you (Rutter)
The Lord's my Shepherd (Chilcott)
This Day (Chilcott)
Thou art God (Bourne)

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