Ye Shall have a Song - Medium Low for voice and piano (classical)
von Jay Althouse

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Informationen zu "Ye Shall have a Song - Medium Low for voice and piano (classical)"

Komponist/Autor: Jay Althouse
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF23008
EAN: 9780739034521
ISBN: 978-0-7390-3452-1


Althouse, Jay, ed
13 famous texts are the centerpieces of these magnificent settings by nine of
Alfred Music's top writers. From Shakespeare to Stevenson, the Bible to
traditional Latin settings, this collection is the perfect resource for
singers of all ages. Ideal for vocal study by school age singers, these vocal
gems can be used as audition solos, or for contests, festivals, and
Ye Shall Have a Song
Who Has Seen the Wind?
The Stars Are With the Voyager
Where Go the Boats?
There Is a Season
Pie Jesu
Sigh No More, Ladies
A New Alleluia
Venite in Bethlehem
Winter Carol
May Sunshine Light Your Way
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