Sacred Soprano Arias for soprano and piano

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Informationen zu "Sacred Soprano Arias for soprano and piano"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP3611728
EAN: 9781844170197
ISBN: 978-1-8441-7019-7
ISMN: M-57024-159-0


Wiggins, Bram, ed
Angels ever bright and fair (Händel)
Domine Deus (Vivaldi)
Hear Ye Israel (Mendelssohn)
Inflammatus (Rossini)
I will sing of thy great Mercies (Mendelssohn)
Jesus Saviour I am thine (Bach)
Laudate Dominum (Mozart)
Let the bright Seraphim (Händel)
Liber scriptus (Verdi)
My Heart ever faithful (Bach)
Oh had I Jubal's Lyre (Händel)
Pie Jesus (Fauré)
With Verdure Clad (Haydn)
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