Classic Melodies for Singers for voice and piano

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Informationen zu "Classic Melodies for Singers for voice and piano"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP3611574
EAN: 9781840037296
ISBN: 978-1-8400-3729-6
ISMN: M-57004-870-0


Rawthorne, Noel, arr.
Tambling, Christopher, arr.
Vocal Solos of the best-loved Melodies
Christ be with me (Canon in D) (Pachelbel)
Comfort, comfort (Adagio from Violin Concerto) (Bruch)
Go in peace (Largo from New World Symphony) (Dvorák)
Living God, I cry to you (Air from Suite No.3) (Bach)
Lord, I lift my hands to you (Adagio from Pathétique Sonata) (Beethoven)
Lord, I would serve you (Adagietto from Symphony No.5) (Mahler)
Proclaim the story ( Te Deum Prelude) (Charpentier)
Sing aloud, the day is breaking (Ode to Joy) (Beethoven)
Come, prepare the way (Trumpet Voluntar¡y) (Clarke)
Have mercy, I pray (Slow movement from Symphony No.5) (Schubert)
Jesus, you died for me (Adagio from Clarinet Concerto)(Mozart)
Let us all give glory (Autumn from Four Seasons) (Vivaldi)
Lord, great is your mercy (Slow movement from Violin Concerto) (Mendelssohn)
Lord, you have touched my life (Slow movement from Emperor Concerto)
Sing to the Lord (Marche Militaire) (Schubert)
There in a stable (Impromptu in Ab ) (Schubert)
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