15 Songs for high voice and Bc
von Jeremiah Clarke

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Informationen zu "15 Songs for high voice and Bc"

Komponist/Autor: Jeremiah Clarke
Verlag: Green Man Press
Verlagsnummer: CLA1
EAN: 9990051935813


Roberts, Timothy, ed
So sweet the Charms of Love
Young Corydon and Phyllis
Long has Pastora rul'd the Plain
The Country Farmer
Come sweet Lass
Jockey was dowdy lad
Farewell ungrateful Nymph farewell
Oh I feel the mighty dart
In Faith 'tis true I am in Love
A divine Hymn
I'm wounded ba Amanda's Eyes
Serene and gentle was the Air
Ah Charmion shroud those killing Eyes
While the Lover is thinking
Each tender Virgin's Fears will fly
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