Musical Theatre Classics (+CD) for mezzo soprano and piano 10 great songs for voice and piano

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Informationen zu "Musical Theatre Classics (+CD) for mezzo soprano and piano 10 great songs for voice and piano"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HLE90001410
EAN: 9780711987180
ISBN: 978-0-7119-8718-0


A cock-eyed Optimist (South Pacific)

Don't cry for me Argentina (Evita)

I dreamed a Dream (Les Miserables)

I want to be bad (Good News)

I'd be surprisingly good for you (Evita)

It might as well be Spring (State Fair)

Someone else's Story (Chess)
Something wonderful (The King and I)
The sweetest Sounds (No Strings)
Tell me on a Sunday (Song and Dance)
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