Baroque Anthology vol.1 - Italy and France for counter-tenor and Bc score (Bc realised)

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Informationen zu "Baroque Anthology vol.1 - Italy and France for counter-tenor and Bc score (Bc realised)"

Verlag: Green Man Press
Verlagsnummer: CB1
EAN: 9790708105831
ISMN: M-708105-83-1


Brett, Charles, ed
Dolcissimo sospiro (Caccini)
Sfogava con le stelle (Caccini)
Egos flos campi (Monteverdi)
Currite populi (Monteverdi)
O quam tu pulchra es (Grandi)
Objet dont les charmes si coux (Boesset)
Ombre de mon amant (Lambert)
Plainte sur la mort de Michel Lambert (Dubuisson)
Unissez beauté trop sévère (Clérambault)
Diligam te Domine (Gilles)
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