Contemporary American Art Songs for voice and piano score

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Informationen zu "Contemporary American Art Songs for voice and piano score"

Verlag: Theodore Presser Co
Verlagsnummer: 431-41010
EAN: 9990001449452


Oliver Ditson Company
Taylor, Bernard, ed
Ballad (Rochberg)
Brigid's Song (Diamond)
Each a Rose (Calabro)
Great Land of mine (Howe)
How pleasant it is to have Money (Kagen)
I am baffled by this Wall (Rochberg)
I looked back suddenly (Weisgall)
It is forbidden (Calabro)
The Lamb (Bacon)
The Light that is felt (Ives)
The Lordly Hudson (Rorem)
Night Piece (Rochberg)
Out of the Morning (Persichetti)
The Poet sings (Watts)
Spring and Fall (Rorem)
Stars (Bacon)
Thou Child so wise (Persichetti)
Unquiet Heart (Persichetti)
When slim Sophia mounts her Horse (Duke)
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