Anthology of Sacred Songs vol.1 for soprano and piano

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Informationen zu "Anthology of Sacred Songs vol.1 for soprano and piano"

Verlag: G. Schirmer Inc
Verlagsnummer: HL50325780
EAN: 9781458426338
ISBN: 978-1-458-42633-8


Spicker, Max, ed
I will extol thee my God (from Abraham) - Molique
Subtle Love with fancy viewing (from Alexander Balus) - Händel
When this Scene of trouble closes (from Cavalry) - Spohr
With Verdure clad the Filds appear and
On mighty Pens uplifted soars (From The Creation) - Haydn
Thou sittest on thy Judgment-Seat (from Destruction of Jerusalem) - Blumner)
Hear ye Israel (from Elias) - Mendelssohn
Praise ye Jehovah's goodness (from Engedi) - Beethoven
My Redeemer and my Lord (from The Golden Legend ) - Sir A. Sullivan
Then does mem'ry turn to Days and
Once more we see the good by God provided (from Harvest Cantata) - Weber
My Father Ah Methinks I see (from Hercules) - Händel
These are They which came out of great Tribulation (from The Holy City) -
Farewell ye limpid springs and floods (from Jephtha) - Händel
Why art thou cast dwon o my Soul (from Jephtha and his Daughter) - Reinthaler
Oh had I Jubal's Lyre (from Joshua) - Händel
Pious Orgies pious Airs (from Judas Maccabäus) - Händel
I will sing unto the Lord a new song (from Judith) - Parry
Lord why hidest Thou thy Face (from The Light of the World) - Sullivan
Twas even here those Words were spoken (from Mary Magdalen) - Massenet
Rejoice greatly o Dauhter of Zion
How beautiful are the Feet of Them
Come unto Him all ye that Labor
I know that my REdeemer liveth (from Messias) - Händel
How beautiful are Thy Dwellings o Lord (from Moses) - de Lange
Sighing weeping sorrow need (from My Spirit was in Heaviness) - Bach
The soft complaining Flute (from Ode on St. Cecilia's Day) - Händel
Tho' all riumphant the heav'nly powers (from Paradise Lost (Rubinstein)
My Heart ever faithful (from Pentecost Cantata) - Bach
Thou to Whom Galilee kneeleth (from Resurrection of Lazarus (Pugno)
Let the bright Seraphim (from Samson) - Händel
They fled the gloomy Powers (from Saul) - Hiller
O how pleasing to the Senses (from The Seasons) - Haydn
Thousands of Sins oppress me (from The Seven last Words..) - Mercadante
Say what dost Thou bear in the Secret deep (from St. John's Eve) - Cowen
Jerusalem Jerusalem Thou killest the Prophets (from St. Paul) - Mendelssohn
I mourn as a Dove (from St. Peter) - Benedict
Beneath the Cypress gloomy Shade (from Susanna) - Händel)
Sun of my Soul thou Saviour dear (from The Ten Virgins) - Gaul)
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